Tuesdays With Saint Anthony - The Star-leaved Sweetgum

by Tiesa Wesen
Tuesdays With Saint Anthony - The Star-leaved Sweetgum
Tiesa Wesen
Photograph - Digital Photography
A Saint Anthony of Padua sermon was and is something to look up to, to see, to hear and with a desire to understand. It was a tall order, like the prominence of a tree and yet, from somewhere deeply rooted and sacred like the inner-workings of a seed. Where we can rise to will have so many different beginnings and journeys, sometimes arriving as a surprise, from a turn, in a search or as a well-planned goal. Saint Anthony of Padua, like a beautiful seed, created by and watered by GOD, sprouted into a sermon in a turn of events, in which he was chosen to speak by his superior at a gathering of Dominicans and Franciscans, simply because no one else volunteered. It is said that no one would have expected that this servant of GOD, so humble, would have been able to speak as he did, so inspirationally and significantly and to naturally and eventually become known as "The Hammer of Heretics," who flourished into his position as Doctor of the Church. The sweetgum tree grows to over 75 feet in height from its humble beginnings, becoming most excellent lawn trees with a canopy perfect enough to shade an audience of multitudes for a GOOD sermon. After all, its beautiful leaves spring out in quiet green from the simple sides of its trunk, yet when called forth, they emerge as bright and most notable stars! PLEASE PRAY FOR US, SAINT ANTHONY!
October 12th, 2021